Project quite likely: Day 4

After getting a good night’s rest at PTTK Murowaniec, our next stop was PTTK Roztoki, and then it was off to Dolina Pięciu Stawów Polskich (The Valley of Five Polish Ponds), which is a couple of valleys to the east of where we were. We had a long hike ahead of us, and unfortunately, it was our first day of real rain. We made our way through the forests and valleys, which offered a very different perspective of the mountains compared to previous days.

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Project quite likely: Day 3

Day three and once again, snow putting our original plans to rest, however we still had an achievable aim, finding a peak >2000m which wasn’t covered in snow. So we turned our attention to Dolina Gąsienicowa, specifically Kościelec (‘Caterpillar valley’ and ‘the church’)…

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Project quite likely: Day 2

The first full day of the trip, and we planned on this being a big one. This would be the day we set out to head up Rysy (via Morskie Oko), the highest peak in Poland, something that’s been on my bucket list since I first saw it in person 10 years ago. However as they often do, things did not go to plan…

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Project quite likely: Day 1

As with most trips, the first day was an early one, heading over to Stansted airport for the first flight out to Kraków. Aside from the usual chaos of getting through Stansted, we had an uneventful journey (exactly what you want). We then picked up the car (quick and easy service from and drove down to Zakopane.

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The mountain call: Project quite likely

There’s a unique thrill that accompanies planning a hiking trip, especially when it involves conquering bucket list mountains and exploring awe-inspiring routes. As you dive into the world of trip preparation, the anticipation builds, particularly when you find yourself glued to webcams, almost daily tracking the snow as it recedes from the mountains. The hope of timely snowmelt, opening up trails for your adventure, adds an extra layer of excitement. In this blog post, I’m introducing Project quite likely.

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Review – Osprey Poco AG premium child carrier

When getting ready to hike with small children, the first thing you’ll need to look for is a child carrier, and loving the outdoors as I do, this was actually the first baby related item I bought prior to the arrival of our first child (something my wife always likes to remind me of!). On the advice of a good friend I bought the Osprey Poco AG premium, which I’ve had now for nearly 3 years, so time for a review.

Out in the Polish Karkonosze mountains

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Polish food

An alternative name for this post could be “how I gained a few kilos”, but that aside it would be impossible to write a series on Poland without at least one post about the food. Not only because food is a topic worth discussing in any description of a place, but also its one of my vices, hence the aforementioned alternative title. So here is my best attempt at doing justice to the Polish cuisine.

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Polish weddings

So I thought for the first entry in the series I’d go with what is probably a common way for people to experience Poland, a wedding. Being from the UK, and having a nice and diverse environment, weddings of friends are often a reason for people to travel to somewhere new, and Poland is no exception. It also happens to be a real fun way to experience Poland and some Polish traditions, certainly some I’ve enjoyed.

Closer to home I’ve been to weddings of close family members, distant family members, friends and friends of friends. I also worked at a wedding venue in my holidays while studying for over 5 years. So I’ve been able to see a pretty broad spectrum of weddings in both style and substance. I did feel at one point like I’d seen all there is to see with weddings, but I was pleasantly surprised when I realised at my first Polish wedding that there was still more to see. Continue reading “Polish weddings”

Surviving Poland series intro

I’ve traveled to Poland quite a lot now over the last 10 years, which has given me the opportunity to experience a few different aspects of the country. So I thought a dedicated series would be the best way to share my experiences.

Although I must preface this with I’ve never lived in Poland, I’ve only ever been here as a visitor, although staying with family here has helped with a bit of an insight into daily life here. So this will undoubtedly put some bias on my observations, but it will hopefully be of use to any others who are fortunate enough to visit Poland and maybe entertaining for others.

Kraków main square

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